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There are many options for hair Removal. How do you know which one is the right one for you? Choose from IPL, Electrolysis & Waxing. Hair Growth happens in three phases Anagen, Catagan and Telogen. These phases of hair growth are important to the successful outcome of the clients treatment they choose.


Electrolysis is a permanent method of Hair removal. It is safe and effective for men, women and teenagers. Electrolysis has been around for a long time and is the only permanent method of hair removal recognised by the FDA.

Do’s & Don’ts of Electrolysis

• Make sure that your skin is in good health.
• Have a good skin care routine prior to beginning your treatment.
• Drink water to hydrate your body from the inside out.
• Be gently and patient with your skin’s recovery
• Apply the recommended healing and hydrating gel for 24 hours after your treatment
• Be consistent with your appointments
• Be patient on your hair removal journey
• Understand your treatment and trust the process.
• Ask as many questions as possible so that you have an informed understanding of what your hair removal journey is about.


• Pluck or wax the hairs prior to your treatment
• Use steroid creams prior to or immediately after your treatment. (this question will be asked at your consultation)
• Use Retinol cream for 24 hours after your treatment

• Expose your skin to UV rays or sunbeds for 48 hours after your treatment and 48 hours before your treatment.
• Apply makeup immediately after your treatment. This includes mineral makeup. Wait at least 12 hours
• Cleanse your skin immediately after your treatment
• Use abrasive exfoliators / glycolic peels / rough towels or antiseptic products immediately after your treatment.
• Have a professional facial treatment for at least 24 hours before and after your treatment
• Use antiseptic or clay masks for at least 24 hours
• Exercise immediately after your treatment. Wait at least 4-6 hours
• Go swimming or use a sauna or steam room for 4-6 hours after your treatment.
• Apply false tan immediately after your treatment. Wait at least 24 hours
• Try to speed up the healing process by applying different products to the skin.

Normal Reactions of the skin after Electrolysis

Hair growth is varied and personal to the client. Some clients just have a couple of strong hairs on the chin and sides of lip. Some will have a full hair growth on the chin, lip, neck, or sides of face. Some clients will just have a few hairs to be treated and others will have a more serious growth.

Hairs can be light and long but very noticeable when the client applies her makeup. Some

Skin will feel warm and tingly. This is because of the heat applied to the skin through the needle to remove the hair. There will be an initial build-up of redness in the skin, but this is temporary, and the skin will return to normal after a couple of hours.

When the skin is in good condition and well cared for the healing will be faster and the treatment less aggressive on the skin. This is because when the skin is hydrated and healthy the current used on the hair can be lowered because of the hydration levels in the skin.

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